Payment Security Masterclass
Payments data security standards within the contact centre supply chain 12:30-13:15, 18 January 2022
Payments data security standards within the contact centre supply chain 12:30-13:15, 18 January 2022
With almost six million people around England living in homes provided and supported by housing associations, ensuring that services are delivered to residents, including vulnerable people, is critical.
Recent news on the emergence of the potentially more virulent Covid-19 Omicron variant has dominated the headlines globally. Inevitably, although the initial focus was on South Africa and neighbouring countries, Omicron’s impact is now being felt across the world.
What do Boris Johnson, Len McCluskey, Philip Schofield and Mike Ashley all have in common? The thing that links this peculiar group is that their organisations, parties, or companies have all been fined by the Information Commissioner’s Office (ICO) over the past few months for illegal marketing activities.
Increasing sales conversion, the current and future role of analytics and quality management 12:30-13:15, 18 November 2021