
Compliance & Governance

Homeworking – the new challenges for contact centre compliance

Contact centres who have moved quickly to wholly distribute their workforce are still faced with massive operational challenges including erratic levels of demand, huge changes to channel usage and how to engage, motivate and support staff without a physical connection. But there are also key and often pressing regulatory and compliance questions to be understood and addressed.


Contact centre revolution? A vision of future working

For years we’ve been talking about how homeworking would bring opportunities and change how contact centres employ people and deliver service, creating flexibility for both people and organisations. It was a win-win and was coined as the great opportunity – yet it never really fulfilled its potential. However, due to the pandemic, in 2 weeks it has been delivered, but at what cost?

Customer experience

Customer service on the Board – Giving your customers a voice at the Boardroom table

We ask what are the benefits of having a customer service representative on the Board? We have interviewed Ben Lappin, Director of Retention and Customer Experience at The Guardian and Chair of the DMA’s Contact Centre Council who tells us about The Guardian’s refreshing prioritisation of the customer and gives insights into how they engage with customers.