Is there still a role for team huddles and meetings in today’s contact centre?

Are team meetings and huddles a thing of the past? Or do they still give team members the opportunity to connect, share insights, and address critical issues? Let’s explore.

People Development Lead

In the fast-paced world of contact centres, where efficiency and productivity are paramount, the value of team meetings and huddles is often underestimated. Whilst some team leaders thrive, using this opportunity to have rich and helpful conversations with their team, others see it as ‘wasted’ time, and some simply don’t know how to fill the allocated time – so it becomes a coffee/vape break!

In this article, we’ll delve into the importance of team meetings and huddles in contact centres and how they contribute to creating a more cohesive and productive work environment.

5 Reasons Why

  1. Enhanced Communication and Collaboration – team meetings and huddles can serve as vital platforms for open communication. They can provide an opportunity for team members to discuss concerns, exchange ideas, and offer support. The more this happens, the more trust grows, which in turn fosters a collaborative spirit, enabling individuals to work together seamlessly towards common goals (which aren’t always measured with a metric!) Through regular honest, open and real conversations team trust leads to understanding, ultimately driving improved teamwork, productivity and performance.
  2. Boosted Morale and Motivation – team meetings offer a space to celebrate achievements, big or small. Recognising individual contributions creates a positive atmosphere and reinforces a sense of purpose and belonging among team members. This, in turn, translates to increased motivation and a greater sense of pride in one’s work. There is a risk that the ‘coaching-culture’ in contact centre creates an environment in which problems are solved, but wins are not noticed. The downside of this (as well as the negative impact on morale and productivity) is that successes are not actively learned from, so cannot be systemised and repeated.
  3. Problem-Solving and Knowledge Sharing – wouldn’t it be great if every day ran smoothly, and all customer concerns were easily dealt, in a timely manner, using intuitive and interconnected tech … but things don’t always go that way. Sharing experiences and best practices in huddles/meetings can lead to innovative problem-solving approaches from within the team. The co-creation of solutions is both empowering and motivating. Moreover, it allows for the dissemination of knowledge, ensuring that all team members are equipped with the tools and information needed to excel in their roles.
  4. Priority and Self Management – huddles and team meetings provide an opportunity to set priorities, allocate resources, and streamline workflows. By ensuring that everyone is aligned with organisational objectives, daily targets and team goals, these gatherings contribute to a more structured and efficient operation.
  5. Empowering Employee Voice – every team member plays a vital role in the success of a contact centre, and their perspectives are invaluable. Huddles and team meetings can (and should) create a safe space for employees to voice their opinions, concerns, and suggestions. This not only makes them feel heard and valued but also allows for a diversity of ideas that can lead to innovative solutions and improved processes. This further builds the sense of trust, belonging and connectedness to the organisation, which further helps performance and productivity.


Team meetings and huddles are not merely obligatory gatherings; they are indispensable tools for creating a cohesive and productive work environment in contact centres. Think about it, a simple huddle can contribute significantly to the success of the organisation as a whole – that’s surely worth 5 minutes of the day?

By recognising and leveraging the value of these meetings, contact centres can build stronger, more resilient teams that are poised for success in today’s competitive business landscape.

Looking for ways to empower your team and unlock their potential? Get in touch, we’re here to help.

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