
Lead Generation, Telemarketing & Sales

Optimising sales in challenging times

The circle of life may be a wheel of fortune, however as the economy gets tougher and disposable incomes reduce, those running sales contact centres cannot afford to leave anything to chance.

Business Management & Continuity

Is it time to “move more slowly and maintain things”?

The need for maintenance in an ever-changing world. Mark Zuckerberg’s old motto “move fast and break things” has been held up for years  – depending on your point of view – as an example of all that’s best or all that’s wrong with Silicon Valley and tech titan’s impact on how we work in the 21st century.

Industry & CCP News

Going Dutch?

Why implementing the right multilingual contact centre strategy pays for itself. It’s plain to see that we live in a fully connected world. We can access most things instantly at the touch of a button, including connecting to businesses globally, no matter their location.

Business Management & Continuity

The cost-of-living crisis

Balancing debt recovery with customer and colleague support. It’s difficult to ignore or be unaware of the ‘Cost-of-Living Crisis’. It’s everywhere, television, LinkedIn, radio, media platforms, and is inescapable.